My friends know I admire Apple Solutions because of the excellent user experience and the simplicity of using the apps and devices. But unfortunately, I can not say the same for a simple task: creating an HTML signature on Apple Mail. This article will show step-by-step how to do it on your MacOS.
1. Create your HTML signature through any tool and copy the HTML, just the content of the body, including the body tag;
2 Open Apple Mail;
3 Create a new blank signature in Apple Mail; (Command ⌘ + , ) on the tab Signatures.

Signatures Apple Mail
4 Close Apple Mail;
5. Open the terminal and execute the commands below:
$ cd ~ $ open Library/Mail
6 A Finder window will be open, probably with a folder V[NUMBER], in my case V7; you need access to the path /V7/MailData/Signatures

Path to .mailsignature file
7 Into this path, you will see some files; find a file .mailsignature with the timestamp that you created your new blank signature in Apple Mail;
8. To open this file, click with rigs Botton of the mouse > Open with > Other >
9 When this file is opened in the text editor, you will have a head with some information and a tag HTML body; you can replace that tag with your HTML signature. When you try to do so, it will show an alert asking you if you would like to change the content of this file, and of course, you click on the button “Unlock.”
10. After replacing the HTML code, save the changes (Command ⌘ + s ) and block the file for edition; then, close the file.

Edit file .mailsignature
11 Abra o Apple Mail, create a new e-mail and select your signature.
It could be more straightforward to understand, but it functions effectively.