Rodrigo Bruner

Pai do Ben, Gerente de desenvolvimento de software e apaixonado por tecnologia.

Women in IT: Is Gender Diversity Mutually Beneficial in the Tech Industry?

⏱ Reading Time: 5 minutes

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, believes there are not enough women in the tech industry and said in an interview for BBC that there are no excuses for it (Kleinman, 2022). In 2019, the technology sector had a 37% female representation, but unfortunately, only 24% of senior leadership roles were held by women (Women in Technology International, 2019). Continue reading…

Apple Mail

⏱ Reading Time: 2 minutes

My friends know I admire Apple Solutions because of the excellent user experience and the simplicity of using the apps and devices. But unfortunately, I can not say the same for a simple task: creating an HTML signature on Apple Mail. This article will show step-by-step how to do it on your MacOS. Continue reading…